2899 Magazine
Volume 1 Issue 1
First Published: 2008
Volume 1 Issue 1
First Published: 2008
Welcome to the inaugural issue of 2899 Magazine. This is a magazine many years in the making. The concept was first brought to me in 200I by a man named Rick Kleiner. The finished product in your hands today has not changed much from this original concept.
At the time my own love affair with Norfolk Island had only just begun. I found my way here in 2000 by following a beautiful and intriguing young woman from a backpackers hostel in Scotland. It was my first overseas adventure and I was enjoying my post-university hiatus. Seven years later, after some too-ing and fro-ing from Scotland, Norfolk Island and I have become inseparable. Although I will never be a Norfolk Islander it does not affect my sense of belonging to this “paradise” in the South Pacific.
Now, as I watch my children grow up as Norfolk Islanders, living all of the wonderful tales of childhood that my wife talks so passionately about, my challenge and inspiration is new. It is to portray this image to you. As a photographer and designer I continually strive to convey Norfolk Island’s wonderful and unique patchwork of colours, textures, places, events, ideas, experiences and emotions into one visual landscape.
This is not easy. Norfolk Island doesn’t have an Eiffel Tower, a Golden Gate Bridge, or for that matter an Edinburgh Castle, but it does have something equally emotive, rich and beautiful, just not so iconic and easy to impart. 2899 Magazine is my way of beginning to encapsulate the essence of the island. It is a celebration of Norfolk Island and its people, yesterday, today and tomorrow. It is an exciting project for us and even as I write this introduction, the response to the publication has been overwhelming. I am proud to tell you that all of the writing for this first issue has been drawn from the local community and the quality of articles is astounding. I don’t imagine that there will ever be a shortage of material in the future.
If you are a visitor to the island, I encourage you to keep your copy of this magazine as a memento of your visit. Share it with your friends, relations and workmates so that they might benefit from your experience on Norfolk.
I hope you enjoy this and many more issues of 2899 Magazine.
Robin Nisbet
Editor – 2899 Magazine / Discover Norfolk
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