2899 Magazine
Volume 2 Issue 1
First Published: 2009
Volume 2 Issue 1
First Published: 2009
Welcome to Volume 2, Issue 1 of 2899 Magazine.
Now one year in, 2899 Magazine has certainly found its feet It is proving to be a wonderful and fulfilling experience and I for one look very much forward to each edition.
Firstly I would like to congratulate Wes Sohier who has won the inaugural 2899 Photographic competition. Over 70 entries made their way to us and in early December 2009 a panel of local judges and I singled out one of Wes’s spectacular entries. A number of excellent entries made their way into the office, some of which are featured in Jenny Jauczius’ article which follows on from this introduction. Thank you to all those who submitted entries.
Some months ago I was invited to photograph the felling of Norfolk Pine tree in Music Valley.
Like many of the photographic shoots I have been on in the past year, it was a truly enriching experience for many reasons and one which I am proud to be able to share with you. The images from this shoot accompany Mary Christian-Bailey’s article, The Buzz of the Saw, featured within.
Also, in this edition you can expect to be introduced to local Bush Poet, Archie Bigg. learn a little about Norfolk Plaiters, and relive a little of the history that surrounds one of Norfolk Island’s loneliest trees, ‘Lone Pine’.
Another great feature in this edition is Margarita Sampson’s ‘Living History’ article on The Norfolk Island Living Library project – a fantastic initiative by Norfolk Island Central School Librarian, Trish Magri.
I hope you enjoy this fourth instalment of 2899 Magazine, and here’s looking forward to another great year.
Robin Nisbet
Editor – 2899 Magazine / Discover Norfolk
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