Discover Norfolk


Volume 7 Issue 2

First Published: November 2024

Cover photo: Actress Amber Lipman as ‘Voyager’ in the upcoming Bounty Story – Photography by Robin Nisbet 


Welcome to Discover Norfolk, Volume 7 Issue 1 – Norfolk Island’s most comprehensive and freely distributed visitor magazine.

In this 35th successive magazine publication we are taking a bit of a Bounty themed journey to highlight the deep connection between the infamous events of the 1789 mutiny and the Norfolk we know today.

Firstly, I have written a small piece about a cinema show I’ve spent over a year working on with Pinetree Tours, called ‘The Bounty Story‘. In the show an all-knowing character, ‘Voyager‘, shares the entire seafaring Bounty epic from on-board a ship in the Pacific over 60 years later. Together with fantastic footage, dramatic lighting and visual screen animations, it promises to be a fully engaging show and leave you with a thorough understanding of one of the great ocean sagas of all time, and how that affects your Norfolk Island experience today.

The show is due to be released during the life-cycle of this publication. Contact Pinetree Tours to find out more or visit: It’s been a wonderful project that I hope will find a place on the tour itinerary for all visitors to Norfolk. Watch this space!

Fifteen years before the Bounty mutiny, in 1774, Captain James Cook first sighted Norfolk Island on board HMS Resolution during his second voyage to the Pacific. This year marks the 250th anniversary of that discovery and Jenny Jauczius has marked that milestone in her article ‘Captain Cook and the Promise of Norfolk Island‘.

Fast forward a couple of decades and the Bounty mutineers and their Tahitian companion had settled on Pitcairn Island and their community began to grow. The births, deaths and marriages of that community were later, and retrospectively, documented in a register by John Buffett who arrived on Pitcairn in 1823. His register made its way to London and eventually into the Royal Museum in Greenwich where it has been on display since 2018. Lisa Richards’ article is a fascinating commentary into the process of how the Norfolk Island Museum Trust are appealing to have that register brought to Norfolk Island on a long term loan, and how that story began.

To compliment the nautical theme in this issue, Zander Nisbet has written his first article for the magazine, The Humble Collier, in which he tells us about a certain type of little ship that has played a large part in Australia and Norfolk Island’s modern history.

Also in this issue we have host of other tour and gallery features and articles for you to ‘discover’ Norfolk. This magazine is provided for you to use as a guide during your stay, and to take with you to share on your onward journey. The publication is, and has always been, funded entirely by advertiser subscriptions. Please take the time to consider the products and services on these pages during your stay, and when planning your next visit.

Our companion website remains a completely free resource for you to learn more. It contains back-issues of each of our 35 publications, as well as links to our partners and advertisers. Make sure and check it out!

I hope you enjoy discovering beautiful Norfolk Island.

Robin Nisbet
Editor – Discover Norfolk


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