A picture paints a thousand words: Robin Nisbet Book

There are no rules for good photographs,
there are only good photographs.

                                      – Ansel Adams.

In late 2000 I arrived on Norfolk Island for the very first time. I was born and raised in Scotland and a small island in the South Pacific was more antipodal than I could ever have imagined. It was a long way to travel to follow a beautiful and intriguing young woman, yet I did it all the same and my life has most certainly been all the better for it. Immediately I was drawn to capture and document Norfolk Island. I don’t have any recollection of how or why this happened as such, but I know the need to record it somehow has stayed with me ever since.

Very soon I began a what is now a long and rewarding photographic conversation with Norfolk Island – an ever-developing exchange of ideas and experiences which has evolved as I have learned and refined my craft. Somewhere along the way, through capturing Norfolk’s beauty and learning about its stories, my focus and passion became to preserve, protect and to share them. Essentially this started somewhere when I first touched down and has continued through the work I have undertaken for the tourism industry as a whole, including my 30+ magazine publications over nearly 15 years.

Today, I simply consider this need to document Norfolk as part of my overall conversation with the island. It is a conversation I expect to continue in some form for the rest of my life.

I had toyed with the idea of a coffee table photo book of Norfolk Island for many years and I started the design more than once. However, I never felt quite ready to complete it and there was always a question mark over the finished design and format. To put it in a ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ sort of analogy – I wanted to find a format that wasn’t too big and wasn’t too small. Not too heavy that it was cumbersome, and not too light that it lacked something. It needed to be ‘just right’. Most of all I wanted to create a book that was a true reflection of the Norfolk Island destination, and I felt it was very important to have a narrative thread through the book and something to learn among its pages. So, after all these years through the many iterations of the concept I have developed, finally I’m proud to announce that together with Wave Hospitality Group, that’s precisely what we have created.

The book reflects the body of work I have amassed on Norfolk Island over many years as I have strived to capture its essence, its colour, its diversity, its rich textures and its beautiful people.

It’s a book for me, and a book for you – a visual celebration of a unique and fascinating island-home.



Insprint, Robin Nisbet and Wave Hospitality Group are proud to present a full colour 168 page hard-backed coffee table book to showcase beautiful Norfolk Island. Featuring 500+ images, 10,000+ words throughout 50+ sections taken over 20 years.  

Available Island-wide. Or visit us online: www.robinnisbet.com



Article content disclaimer: Article first published in Discover Norfolk, Volume 05 Issue 02, 2022. Please note that details of specific travel, accommodation and touring options may be outdated. References to people, places and businesses, including operating days and times may be have changed. References to Government structure and Government businesses/entities may no longer be applicable. Please check directly with businesses and/or Government websites directly rather than relying on any information contained in this article before you make travel arrangements.

Discover Norfolk, YourWorld & 2899 Magazine
© 2023 Insprint. All Rights Reserved.

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